My name is Danielle and I am a hot mess. Who isn't these days? I  have anxiety issues, all or nothing issues, family issues, type A issues, am a mother to a son with Autism and ADD, a daughter with a learning disability and ADHD, a wonderful husband, a cat named Merlin and dog named Gracie.  Most of all I have HOPE.  The following is my/our journey to find HOPE, laughter and the space between.  I love to write because it really makes yo focus and avoid distraction to think and write a sentence. .I try to be authentic,  which can be dark and angry at times for everyone.  That is life. I don't want to hide.  I don't want to always pretend I am good.  Frankly I suck at that because I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I want my kids to know how much I love them.  How, when life is really, really hard and you are LOST, it is OK.  Life is hard ALOT.  Rock bottom is sturdy ground.  I have been there, it is kind of nice to be at the bottom, on sturdy ground, knowing the only way is UP. I want my kids to see that life isn't perfect and if you find yourself lost and at the bottom, you are strong.  You can HOPE.  You can climb. You can re-build.  If I can be a hopeful person you can.  You can find the space between.  You will find your way.  Stay your beautiful self. Fight the good fight.  Never, ever, ever give up HOPE.


With love and kindness,



22.09.2018 14:15


So very well said sweet Danielle. Your words are inspiring. Love you always AJ & UJ